Candace Griego » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Brightwood Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Brightwood STARs! I am thrilled to continue as your Principal and deeply appreciate your support.
Our dedicated team is focused on creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment for every student. This year, we are emphasizing social-emotional learning (SEL) and equity. Our SEL program will equip students with essential skills to manage emotions, build relationships, and make responsible decisions. We are committed to celebrating diversity and ensuring every student has equitable opportunities to succeed.
Let's work together to provide the best opportunities for our students. My door is always open for your input and ideas. Feel free to call or email to schedule a discussion.
Stay tuned for updates from Alhambra Unified School District and me about our programs, events, and important information to help you and your child have a successful school year.
To our new families, a warm welcome to Brightwood! We look forward to connecting with you and your children.
At Brightwood, our students are shining S.T.A.R.s—Safe, Trying, Accountable & Respectful! Let's foster a culture of growth and equity, ensuring every student reaches their full potential.
Thank you for your trust and partnership. Let's make this year extraordinary!
Yours in service,
Candace Griego
Brightwood Elementary School